Many people don't know what to do with what may appear to be ruined family portraits and other paintings.   Just call or email me for an evaluation. Its easy to send a photo, bring the piece to the studio, or have me stop by.


Here's a great example of the outcome of an 1830's mother and child portrait showing a clean, healthy painting.  Notice the contrast and color the way it was meant to be.   Years of abuse are erased by archival cleaning, repair of small abrasions and holes, in-painting of missing pigment, and final Damar varnishing.   Also repair of the frame, including recarving of missing pieces, cleaning and new gold leaf.  

I will also research the painting and write up an insurance evaluation.


All work is archival, leading to an increase in value.   Paintings, unlike other types of antiquities, are meant to be restored.   I consider this piece to be historically significant.    

Cleaning has begun on the upper left corner....most paintings just need a good cleaning and revarnishing.  Affordable and worthwhile.

Cleaning has begun on the upper left corner....most paintings just need a good cleaning and revarnishing.  Affordable and worthwhile.

After a simple cleaning and varnish.   Immense difference.

After a simple cleaning and varnish.   Immense difference.

A worn canvas may need to be remounted to a new one.   Small and medium size pieces are doable in the studio.   Larger pieces need a vacuum table.   that process is outsourced.

A worn canvas may need to be remounted to a new one.   Small and medium size pieces are doable in the studio.   Larger pieces need a vacuum table.   that process is outsourced.

Gilding is a specialty.   Antique frames are irreplaceable.  Missing pieces can be re-carved/replaced and structural repairs made.


Gilding can be done with faux leaf (bronze) or with real gold.   Yes, real gold is expensive but some objects deserve the quality.  
